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Medicine Beyond Classroom is the community outreach unit of Varun Complete Healthcare.  Through MBC, we strive to empower communities and make them self-reliant to improve their overall mental well-being. We focus on capacity-building by training adolescents and youth, especially college-going students, to become champions for promotive and preventive mental health in the community. 


Services Offered 

Workshop for Colleges: Community-Based Medical Education Interventions fulfilling AETCOM (Attitudes, Ethics, Communication) Competencies Mandated by the National Medical Commission Competency-Based Medical Education Curriculum

Clients: Medical Colleges and Para-Medical Educational Institutes 

We welcome collaborations with medical colleges (especially the Department of Community Medicine), wherein we train medical students to become peer educators for life skills education. Once trained, we facilitate them to impart life skills education to the adolescents and youth in the communities via RHTC/UHTC. 

Such community-based interventions are shown to have mani-fold benefits: 

-For medical colleges: Provides a platform to where students can observe, learn and practice soft skills mentioned in the AETCOM module, mandated by the CBME curriculum. Also provides opportunities for students to connect with communities outside of healthcare setups.  

-For Medical students: Considering that they form a crucial section of the youth population, they stand to benefit by cultivating their own psychosocial competencies, while helping the youth in the community cultivate theirs!

- For the communities: Promotes mental health and well-being in the community which is the need of the hour.


For more information, please click here to visit our website dedicated to Medicine Beyond Classroom.  

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